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United States Postal Service


United States Postal Service
United States Postal Service
United States Postal Service
United States Postal Service
United States Postal Service
United States Postal Service
USPS Sugarland First Colony
USPS Sugarland First Colony
USPS Corpus Christi Lamar Park
USPS Wharton MPO
USPS Wharton MPO
USPS San Antonio P&DC
USPS Georgetown MPO
United States Postal Service
United States Postal Service
United States Postal Service
United States Postal Service
United States Postal Service
United States Postal Service
United States Postal Service
United States Postal Service
United States Postal Service
United States Postal Service

For over 250 years, the United States Postal Service has served a vital role for American commerce and the American people. PDG Architects has been privileged to maintain a continuous relationship with the United States Postal Service since 1992, through multiple consecutive IDIQ contracts. Work resulting from these contracts has included both ground-up facilities and renovation projects.


Our early projects involved providing professional architectural services for ground-up facilities with customization to meet the individual requirements of each locale, both functionally and aesthetically.  Solutions included the use of structural slabs, tilt wall panels, stucco and brick veneer. Efforts were made to design the exterior facade of each facility to complement the surrounding area in which it is built. 


In recent years, our work has evolved as Postal service and delivery have changed in today’s digital world. Current projects focus on space optimization and consolidation of facilities and services as the USPS streamlines its services. Some solutions include the expansion of existing facilities to accommodate the growing population of areas served by existing facilities. There has also been an emphasis on upgrading elements such as parking areas, fencing, lighting, fire alarms, process air compressors, and HVAC to keep existing facilities in optimal operation condition.


A sampling of projects is listed below.

Corpus Christi, Texas Flour Bluff Station

Design & Documentation for a 2,600 SF Ground-Up addition designed to accommodate the growing population served by an existing postal facility. 


Galveston, Texas, Main Post Office, Alternate Quarters

Design & Documentation for a 3,050 SF interior build out designed for retail and box mail lobby operation, allowing USPS to move out of an existing leased facility where rates and space were an issue.

Processing & Distribution Center, Houston, Texas

PDG Architects has conducted a series of replacement and renovation projects for the existing Processing & Distribution Center (P&DC) and the Annex in Houston. All of the long-term repairs and alterations for the P&DC and the Annex were completed while the buildings were fully occupied. PDG Architects also provided design services for the renovation of the building interiors.

Bush Airport Air-Mail Facility

Performed Preliminary Investigation, Site Verification, Conceptual Designs, Construction Documentation and Construction Administration for the 20,750 SF addition to the existing Air Mail Facility.


Freeport, Texas Main Post Office

Design and Documentation for a 9,781 SF Ground-Up facility designed to consolidate the functions of two existing postal facilities.

North Shepherd Station

Complete interior and exterior renovation of the occupied USPS North Shepherd Station. The interior renovation, intended to upgrade this facility to USPS standards, was phased to allow it to remain in operation throughout construction. The exterior facade of this leased premise was also re-designed and renovated consistent with USPS branding.


10000 RICHMOND AVE | SUITE 100 | HOUSTON, TX 77042


©2018 by PDG Architects

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